
Dec 31, 2022


On this site we have an entire section dedicated to SPORTS.  I love sports! Sports of any kind. Sports with balls, sports with sticks, sports with just the human body.

The great thing about sports or sporting activities is it’s never too early or late to start. Toddlers in Gymboree is a type of sport and folks enjoying the sunset years taking an evening stroll is a sport. Not every sport is a competition between teams, But all sports are a competition between the mind and the body.

We all go to work, complete daily chores or errands and the mundane tasks of every day life for our job, family and community. It is in sports only that we do things meant for ourselves. It is in our personal pursuit for happiness, fulfillment and the obvious health benefits that we engage in sports. Remember, not all sports are full contact team smashing each other on a football field or rounding the bases. Some sports are more artistic in nature such as martial arts or dance or even cheerleading. Yes, cheerleading is a sport, just ask my daughter. She worked tirelessly practicing moves over and over and over. She was part of a team that competed and did quite well. Any action that requires us to push ourselves in a physical way is basically a sport. Most have rules or regulations, and penalties are imposed if those rules are not followed, some are more self-regulated. (Not always well regulated, I paid a lot more in yearly gym memberships than I ever used.) Sports can be very self-satisfying. The thrill of crossing the finish line, reeling in a 5 lb Bass, or mastering the balance beam is like no other.  I’m not saying you can score a $5 million Nike contract for water ballet but putting that the same effort and drive it takes to get there will feel great. The satisfaction that comes from pushing yourself to do what you didn’t realize you could is an awesome and powerful feeling. That is my definition of Sports.

I mentioned earlier that I grew up in Texas where Football is everything to a young boy. In my early years my mother was so afraid I would hurt myself that I wasn’t allowed to participate in little league or Pop Warner.  Finally, as any nagging boy would do, I wore her down and was allowed to try out for the team. Now I was a good-sized boy and the coaches just about drooled when I walked on the field. I knew I wasn’t going to be the cool Quarterback or Receiver that gets all the glory and girls. That was okay with me because it wasn’t just about me. It was about being on a Team of guys that all worked together towards one common goal. Kinda like that Kenny Chesney song, “The Boys of Fall”. On each down 11 men to be gave everything they had for that one common goal, Victory. With all the fanfare of the band, the cheering of the crowd, even the cheerleaders baking us cookies the best part of it was knowing that for those seconds, that one play me and the rest of my line were working together.

Now all sports or sporting activities are not like football and are not meant to be. Sports is meant to be fun. Sports provides an outlet for kids to keep them occupied and not susceptible to the negative distractions of the world. Sports provides an almost religion like brotherhood of men that come together weekly or bi-weekly for a few months that turns responsible subdued men into weekend warriors screaming at the television in their colored team regalia. Sports sends some kids to college who might now otherwise have that opportunity and sports basically funds some colleges.

I know that I have been sharing my point of view which since I’m a man is a man’s point of view but like I said everyone can enjoy and reap the benefits of sports.


I was wondering if you were going to let me say anything. Anyone can compete/partake in sports. I was and still are not very graceful AT ALL. My mother used to say I had the grace of a billy goat. I wasn’t meant for cheerleading or the drill team but I finally found my place in Soccer. Since I wasn’t graceful, I wasn’t a forward maneuvering the ball down field. I was that person waiting down field protecting the goal who’s mission was to stop the forward in their tracks. 5 feet tall and full of myself I protected the pitch and most of the time got knocked over. (which is odd because my center of gravity was much lower than the average person)  I was like one of those Bozo Bop Bags. Some one might knock me over but I jumped right back up and kept going.

Not every person is going to excel in every sport. The key is to find a sport that is in line with a person’s  natural talents and desire. It might take a bit of exploration but there is a sport for every person. Look at me!! I don’t know it, but I’d like to think that every Tom Brady or Michael Jordan in the world started out as a kid playing outside with a parent or siblings just having fun. Sports can sometimes divide a stadium but it can also unify the masses.

Whatever your reason for becoming active or staying active you need to have fun while you are doing it. On this site you will find equipment for a variety of sporting activities. Now go get out there and find the sport that brings you joy.